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Privacy Policy

VT HOLDINGS CO,. LTD. and our group companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "we," "our," or "us") recognize the importance of protecting our customers' personal information. We hereby stipulate this Privacy Policy as below to ensure to protect personal information.

1.Collection of Personal Information

We shall collect personal information by fair and appropriate means. When we collect personal information from customers, we shall clearly state the purpose of such collection.

  • To notify the periodic inspection, automobile inspection and maturity of insurance by post, phone or e-mail
  • As a licensed rental car agency, to conduct operations required under the conditions to conduct rental car business, such as the issuance of a rental certificate
  • To provide services such as car rental, vehicle leasing, pre-owned vehicle sales, automobile repair, rental and sales of real estate and other relevant services
  • To provide information by sending a printed brochure or e-mail on the items and services provided or conducted by our group companies, including sales, maintenance and repair of automobiles and motorcycles, construction and sales of houses, cosmetic surgery, mail-order sale of furniture and general merchandise and designing development, production and sales of power controller (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Items and Services"), and events and campaigns held by our group companies
  • To use personal information within the scope necessary to conduct business activities such as providing non-life insurance, life insurance, and related services as a non-life insurance or life insurance agent for the following insurance companies;

    • Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • Mitsui Sumitomo Aioi Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
    • NKSJ Himawari Life Insurance, Inc
    • Nippon Koa Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • Tokio Marine & Nichido Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • Nisshin Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • Fuji Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.
    • AIG General Insurance Company, Ltd.
    • Asahi Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • To conduct mail, telephone or online surveys for the purpose of merchandise development or improvement of customer satisfaction
  • To conduct customer identification, evaluation, credit decisions, and credit administration
  • To collect and analyze personal information in order to create statistics in a form whereby individuals cannot be identified or specified
  • To provide the following personal information to each group company or our affiliate companies in writing or by electronic media. However, we shall discontinue the provision of such information to third parties upon request of the individual in question.

    Items to be provided: address, name, date of birth, telephone number, and information related to transactions with customers.

    The aforementioned purposes of collection may be subject to change within the scope deemed reasonably relevant. If any of these purposes are changed, we shall, in principle, notify the person concerned in writing or publicly announce the details of such change on our website or through other means.

2.Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

Except for the parties specified in (9) of the preceding Article, we shall not provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual concerned unless the provision is required by law or for a legitimate reason.

3.Basic Policy for Safe Management of Personal Information

We shall take appropriate safety measures to prevent the loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information.

4.Use of Personal Information

We shall use personal information within the scope of the purpose specified at the time of collection and only to the extent necessary to carry out our business.

5.Inquiries about Handling of Personal Information and Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion

We shall endeavor to keep and manage personal information accurate and up-to-date. If you request the confirmation, correction or deletion of your personal information held by us, the company shall respond to your request after accepting your written request. In addition, we shall handle the personal information held by insurance companies on your behalf.

For information on how to obtain a written request for disclosure or other forms designated by each group company, please refer to each company's website or contact the head office or nearest branch. Anyone who wishes to request the disclosure shall prepare a document that can be used to confirm his/her identity, such as a driver's license. Please note that you are required to pay a fee of JPY 1,100 (including tax) per item for the disclosure of personal information. We shall also respond to requests for the correction or deletion of personal information that we have already obtained from you prior to today.

6.Organizational Structure for Personal Information Protection

In order for the entire group to achieve the thorough protection of personal information, we shall appoint a Compliance Key Person, who assumes the promotion of such protection measures, among the officers or managers under each group company's president, who is the top officer for such protection, and shall implement the proper management of personal information.
We shall also provide education and training to the officers and employees regarding the protection of personal information and shall get the proper management of personal information in daily operations across to them.

7.Establishment, Execution, Maintenance and Improvement of Personal Information Management Manual

We shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information. We shall respond promptly to any complaints or inquiries regarding our handling of personal information. In addition, we shall formulate a Personal Information Management Manual to implement this Privacy Policy and constantly review this Policy and Personal Information Management Regulations to improve our measures for handling and managing personal information.

8.Continuous Improvement of Privacy Policy

Our auditors or Compliance Key Person shall regularly audit and monitor our handling of personal information to achieve the continuous improvement of information management.

  • Shareholder and Investor Information
  • SDGs
  • Business Models for Achieving Growth

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